16 research outputs found

    Visualizing Deep Networks by Optimizing with Integrated Gradients

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    Understanding and interpreting the decisions made by deep learning models is valuable in many domains. In computer vision, computing heatmaps from a deep network is a popular approach for visualizing and understanding deep networks. However, heatmaps that do not correlate with the network may mislead human, hence the performance of heatmaps in providing a faithful explanation to the underlying deep network is crucial. In this paper, we propose I-GOS, which optimizes for a heatmap so that the classification scores on the masked image would maximally decrease. The main novelty of the approach is to compute descent directions based on the integrated gradients instead of the normal gradient, which avoids local optima and speeds up convergence. Compared with previous approaches, our method can flexibly compute heatmaps at any resolution for different user needs. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets show that the heatmaps produced by our approach are more correlated with the decision of the underlying deep network, in comparison with other state-of-the-art approaches

    Do we really need temporal convolutions in action segmentation?

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    Action classification has made great progress, but segmenting and recognizing actions from long untrimmed videos remains a challenging problem. Most state-of-the-art methods focus on designing temporal convolution-based models, but the inflexibility of temporal convolutions and the difficulties in modeling long-term temporal dependencies restrict the potential of these models. Transformer-based models with adaptable and sequence modeling capabilities have recently been used in various tasks. However, the lack of inductive bias and the inefficiency of handling long video sequences limit the application of Transformer in action segmentation. In this paper, we design a pure Transformer-based model without temporal convolutions by incorporating temporal sampling, called Temporal U-Transformer (TUT). The U-Transformer architecture reduces complexity while introducing an inductive bias that adjacent frames are more likely to belong to the same class, but the introduction of coarse resolutions results in the misclassification of boundaries. We observe that the similarity distribution between a boundary frame and its neighboring frames depends on whether the boundary frame is the start or end of an action segment. Therefore, we further propose a boundary-aware loss based on the distribution of similarity scores between frames from attention modules to enhance the ability to recognize boundaries. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our model

    SGAT4PASS: Spherical Geometry-Aware Transformer for PAnoramic Semantic Segmentation

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    As an important and challenging problem in computer vision, PAnoramic Semantic Segmentation (PASS) gives complete scene perception based on an ultra-wide angle of view. Usually, prevalent PASS methods with 2D panoramic image input focus on solving image distortions but lack consideration of the 3D properties of original 360∘360^{\circ} data. Therefore, their performance will drop a lot when inputting panoramic images with the 3D disturbance. To be more robust to 3D disturbance, we propose our Spherical Geometry-Aware Transformer for PAnoramic Semantic Segmentation (SGAT4PASS), considering 3D spherical geometry knowledge. Specifically, a spherical geometry-aware framework is proposed for PASS. It includes three modules, i.e., spherical geometry-aware image projection, spherical deformable patch embedding, and a panorama-aware loss, which takes input images with 3D disturbance into account, adds a spherical geometry-aware constraint on the existing deformable patch embedding, and indicates the pixel density of original 360∘360^{\circ} data, respectively. Experimental results on Stanford2D3D Panoramic datasets show that SGAT4PASS significantly improves performance and robustness, with approximately a 2% increase in mIoU, and when small 3D disturbances occur in the data, the stability of our performance is improved by an order of magnitude. Our code and supplementary material are available at https://github.com/TencentARC/SGAT4PASS.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 202

    Towards Unseen Triples: Effective Text-Image-joint Learning for Scene Graph Generation

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    Scene Graph Generation (SGG) aims to structurally and comprehensively represent objects and their connections in images, it can significantly benefit scene understanding and other related downstream tasks. Existing SGG models often struggle to solve the long-tailed problem caused by biased datasets. However, even if these models can fit specific datasets better, it may be hard for them to resolve the unseen triples which are not included in the training set. Most methods tend to feed a whole triple and learn the overall features based on statistical machine learning. Such models have difficulty predicting unseen triples because the objects and predicates in the training set are combined differently as novel triples in the test set. In this work, we propose a Text-Image-joint Scene Graph Generation (TISGG) model to resolve the unseen triples and improve the generalisation capability of the SGG models. We propose a Joint Fearture Learning (JFL) module and a Factual Knowledge based Refinement (FKR) module to learn object and predicate categories separately at the feature level and align them with corresponding visual features so that the model is no longer limited to triples matching. Besides, since we observe the long-tailed problem also affects the generalization ability, we design a novel balanced learning strategy, including a Charater Guided Sampling (CGS) and an Informative Re-weighting (IR) module, to provide tailor-made learning methods for each predicate according to their characters. Extensive experiments show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. In more detail, TISGG boosts the performances by 11.7% of zR@20(zero-shot recall) on the PredCls sub-task on the Visual Genome dataset

    T2I-Adapter: Learning Adapters to Dig out More Controllable Ability for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

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    The incredible generative ability of large-scale text-to-image (T2I) models has demonstrated strong power of learning complex structures and meaningful semantics. However, relying solely on text prompts cannot fully take advantage of the knowledge learned by the model, especially when flexible and accurate structure control is needed. In this paper, we aim to ``dig out" the capabilities that T2I models have implicitly learned, and then explicitly use them to control the generation more granularly. Specifically, we propose to learn simple and small T2I-Adapters to align internal knowledge in T2I models with external control signals, while freezing the original large T2I models. In this way, we can train various adapters according to different conditions, and achieve rich control and editing effects. Further, the proposed T2I-Adapters have attractive properties of practical value, such as composability and generalization ability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our T2I-Adapter has promising generation quality and a wide range of applications.Comment: Tech Report. GitHub: https://github.com/TencentARC/T2I-Adapte

    StyleAdapter: A Single-Pass LoRA-Free Model for Stylized Image Generation

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    This paper presents a LoRA-free method for stylized image generation that takes a text prompt and style reference images as inputs and produces an output image in a single pass. Unlike existing methods that rely on training a separate LoRA for each style, our method can adapt to various styles with a unified model. However, this poses two challenges: 1) the prompt loses controllability over the generated content, and 2) the output image inherits both the semantic and style features of the style reference image, compromising its content fidelity. To address these challenges, we introduce StyleAdapter, a model that comprises two components: a two-path cross-attention module (TPCA) and three decoupling strategies. These components enable our model to process the prompt and style reference features separately and reduce the strong coupling between the semantic and style information in the style references. StyleAdapter can generate high-quality images that match the content of the prompts and adopt the style of the references (even for unseen styles) in a single pass, which is more flexible and efficient than previous methods. Experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the superiority of our method over previous works.Comment: AIG